Public Function check_cq_trans(ByVal old_cond As String, _
ByVal old_stat As String, _
ByVal new_cond As String, _
ByVal new_stat As String, _
ByVal user_name As String) As Integer
This API can be used to determine if a particular user can change status from an old condition/status to a new condition/status. The API checks the transitions as set up in Clarify's Policies & Customers.
Parameter Name Required? Description
old_cond Yes Old condition for the CR
old_stat Yes Old status for the CR
new_cond Yes New condition for the CR
new_stat Yes New status for the CR
user_name Yes User performing the transition
Value Meaning
0 Transition is allowed for this user
-1 Status transition not defined in Policies and Customers
-2 Status transition not allowed for specified user
-10 Privclass not found for specified user
-11 Old status not found for old condition
-12 New status not found for new condition
· Check if Sam can transition from "In research" in "Open" condition to "Fixed" status in the "Fixed" condition.
Visual Basic:
Dim ret_int As Integer
ret_int = fccq.check_cq_trans("Open", "In research", "Fixed", _
"Fixed", "sam")
var ret_int = fccq.check_cq_trans("Open", "In research", "Fixed",
"Fixed", "sam");